
I am Being Erased


Reflections on a Poem: What to Remember when Waking by David Whyte

The ESSENCE and SPIRIT of poetry connects the reader to the Artist. This connection may not be a literal understanding of the words but a resonance to an experience, a felt sense that is shared in the heartbeat of the poem. Its message is abstract, existential, and unique to each individual who chooses to engage with the MUSE that reveals one’s SOUL interpretation. That’s the PLAY I engage with here as I surface words|phrases that open something in me. It might be very different for you… I invite you to explore for yourself.  WHAT URGENCY CALLS YOU TO YOUR ONE TRUE LOVE?  I like good questions.  I love great questions even more.   This question asks us to plumb the depth of our SOUL and understand our one true calling. What if that call remains in the shadows and is unknown to us?  What if we’ve followed a prescribed or predicative path? What if we allowed someone else to influence our choices and decisions? What if our “one true love” doesn’t inhabit the p...

I am angry...

  I am angry… *surfaced after the 4th of July shooting at Highland Park, IL; republishing after the Madison shooting at Abundant Life Christian School 16 December 2024 Madison, WI I am angry… … because I am a woman  who has birthed Life  into the world AND watched men so carelessly & indiscriminately extinguish this Light! I am angry…  … because I am a woman who has had and has made  choices in my Life AND justice reversed this progress in the name of religion I am angry… … because I am a woman who has been marginalized, mistreated and raped for her resources  AND seen men who believe in their own providence do the same unto people of color, indigenous tribes and Mother Earth - ALL for the economy of money, power, and status  I am angry… … because I am a compassionate woman opening her arms and her heart to love & include more AND we label and categorize and discriminate down to a descriptor that divides US  I am angry… … because I am a wo...

there's a Spring in my SOUL

  the ground is tilled for planting stirred up, unsettled exposing raw soil to the elements awaiting to receive the seed  some ground is frozen some is soft from a daily dose of light who knows what is most fertile it mostly depends on acceptance the details are immaterial where we land, how we grow temperamental to what gets thrown at us we learn to survive or thrive or die when a flower grows wild it can always survive, wildflowers don't care where they grow* just let the love & the light shine in nature knows the way to go there's a Spring in my SOUL yearning to BLOOM and must abide by nature's time  seasons and cycles that bring new LIFE #spiritliveswithin #intotheGRAYzone #pause #breathe #engage  #aPlaceCalledHOME #theRadicalAcceptanceofALL  *inspired by Wildflowers; Tom Petty

Stone in my Throat

  There is a stone in my throat that blocks the path of my heart. I rely on my intellect to survive and even that fails me now. Now my heart has been quiet too long. It needs to be heard. It sits patiently in silence, yet words fail its expression. Expression is God living as Julia. However, the channel is not open; the stone is a barrier for that which needs to be given voice. My voice shoots out violently for attention It cannot stay quiet like the heart. The stone attacks the unknown predator who accidentally sets the tripwire. Once the tripwire is broken, so are my words; shattered like glass  because I hurt. Hurt didn't know how fragile the words are within me barely formulated against an image that provides me with meaning. Meaning that I, too, need patience and space and breath to inspire the words that are  so elusive to capture. Captured feelings beneath the stone yearning for words to set them free; no longer trapped within the heart but manifest fully into form...

a Place Called HOME

  "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring  will be to arrive where we started  and know the place for the first time." ~ T. S. Eliot. This IS my childhood home. Literally, a place I called HOME for more than a decade. I am not normally attached to the mundane or nostalgic about my life yet, when my husband found this former house I grew up in, I was surprised by the emotion that surfaced within me.  a Place Called HOME - my spiritual companioning vocation - was never about a physical, tangible place. It is about finding those characteristics we associate with how we define HOME within ourselves. It is the journey away from our selves in a fervent discovery that what we are searching for lives within us and is expressed as us whether or not we allow it... with grace and wisdom comes that acceptance.  For most of my life, my dreams have informed the current state of my life through images of houses; burned down houses charred by the ...