Regeneration, Regrowth, Restoration & Resiliency

Have you noticed the odd places new growth can occur? Between a sidewalk crack, out of a stump, in an abandoned parking lot... in fact, the evacuated Chernobyl is bursting with new green growth and wildlife that assures us life continues. Where in your own life have you noticed resilient growth? Perhaps after an illness, or a tragedy, or maybe even after a season in your life that was rocky. There is so much in the moment that seems overwhelming and insurrmountable, yet some how a flicker of hope reveals itself and invites you into new growth. At times this growth can be very distinct from who you've been before or paths you've traveled previously. Other times, it is a renewed excitement to engage in life fully; forging a new path that blooms out of a deeper part of you yearning for the light of day. How do you express this new growth? It may be a new job opportunity or an intimate discussion with a close friend. It could be a vocational calling that lead...