Reflections on a Poem: What to Remember when Waking by David Whyte
The ESSENCE and SPIRIT of poetry connects the reader to the Artist. This connection may not be a literal understanding of the words but a resonance to an experience, a felt sense that is shared in the heartbeat of the poem. Its message is abstract, existential, and unique to each individual who chooses to engage with the MUSE that reveals one’s SOUL interpretation. That’s the PLAY I engage with here as I surface words|phrases that open something in me. It might be very different for you… I invite you to explore for yourself. WHAT URGENCY CALLS YOU TO YOUR ONE TRUE LOVE? I like good questions. I love great questions even more. This question asks us to plumb the depth of our SOUL and understand our one true calling. What if that call remains in the shadows and is unknown to us? What if we’ve followed a prescribed or predicative path? What if we allowed someone else to influence our choices and decisions? What if our “one true love” doesn’t inhabit the p...