PAUSE: our creative white-space


LIFE IS BORN OUT OF THE VOID - babies emerge from the womb, water flows to where there is none, and when one thing ends it creates a space for another to begin. 

How scheduled is your life?
Do you create spaces between events?
Are there margins in your day for the unexpected?

This is where life lives & thrives! In the white space of your life.  We all need a pause to rest and restore, or synthesize the events in our day.  Sleeping is the most obvious "pause" but so many people resist this opportunity to unplug and allow our body, mind, and soul to reset.  Sleep gets pushed back for work, or shortened to accommodate unfinished chores, or disrupted by things we ingest. We wear a badge with pride that "we'll sleep when we're dead!"

What would it look like to have a fully rested body so the mind & spirit could create our life? What would it look like to purposely invite time in our day for reflection, quiet, and stillness? What may emerge as a result? To consciously enter into a time where we open ourselves up to the possibility of nothingness... 10 extra minutes to breathe with awareness before a meeting; 20 minutes to meditate in the morning; 30 minutes to walk through nature without music, our phone, or another person to distract us.

Artists understand the importance of white space or negative space depending on their medium.  Creating enough of nothing so that the SOMETHING is vibrant & alive.  This is the opportunity within your own life; to leave enough room so the rest of your life stands out - or so that you can hear that tiny voice inside whisper what's next - saying no actually strengthens our YESES! 

It may take you in a new direction.  It may confirm the ground on which you stand so firmly.  It may even become a simple practice of honoring what's ended and clearing the space before starting something new.

It will definitely provide energy to animate your life in unison with nature; our natural way of being. 


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