the GRAY Zone

I invite you into the space between the "no longer" and "not yet". This is where Mystery lives; between 2 known points that create definition in our lives. Our whole lives are defined between 2 points, as if, our journey is linear; childhood-adulthood, school-work, job-job, relationship-relationship. In fact, our entire life from birth to death is an opportunity to dance with the MYSTERY of Life each and every day.

Many people 'fear' the answers to the questions we can't see, yet seek. The unknown terrifies us! We want answers or understanding or reasons or closure... to loss, to illness, to social justice issues, to many of life's very natural transitions that occur from a newborn baby into old age.  By leaning into your PERMEABLE ALIVENESS, you transcend the unknown and create connection to the Divine within you. This allows for deeper, more meaningful engagement with others around you.

The invitation is HOW will you be in that space? Stymied & paralyzed or ENERGETICALLY ALIVE! The illusion is that we have any control or influence on this life's direction or course. However, we can enjoy the ride and the journey will create CLEAR SIGHT into the Divine nature of ALL.


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