BREATHE: dynamic exchange between ALL

Life has a rhythm that can, at first, seem dualistic in nature because of it's opposite.  There's day and night; full moons and new moons, positive and negatives ends to a battery, etc.  Name a few yourself.  It is practically human nature to pit one aspect against the other as is evidenced in our politics right now.  However, both aspects are necessary for WHOLENESS.

I love the image of the dolphins for wholeness.  They breathe the air and swim in the water.  They could NOT survive breathing air on land; they need both air and water.  Day and night always follow each other, to varying degrees, but are needed to create a whole "day".  The battery only works if both the positive and negative end have contact for conduction. 

Similarly, at our most basic level, we inhale and exhale.  We cannot survive with just one! I can not sustain my life on an inhale alone. Our wholeness is predicated on this simple fact of survival.  Yet, somewhere along the way we subdivide and categorize simple aspects of life and stand on those alone. 


So, how can we ebb and flow with the rhythms of our own life?
How do we allow for polarities? with kindness? compassion? brutal dictator?
Pay attention to your breath, the wind, the waves, and the cycle of your life. Notice & Breathe.


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