
Showing posts from December, 2019

peace, power, & presence in the PAUSE

Create a gap between stillness and movement.  This is something that I've learned on the YOGA mat; in my practice, explore the edges, fill the space, and BE HERE before you move into the next place. This gap is your place of Peace, Power, and Presence. These are the spaces in our lives that invite us to PAUSE; when we've finished one thing and before we enter another. BE HERE and BE PRESENT. Learn to savor the moment and fill it with your breath. Enjoy the stillness before movement; lean into the quiet before conversation; find your peace before engaging the world with your LIGHT! That light will be much more meaningful and impactful when your energy is behind it 100%! I've recently discovered poet David Whyte.  He is my "replacement" poet since John O'Donohue has left this physical world :-) He invites us to explore ALL frontiers where the edge of something meets the beginning edge of something else; who we think we are and who we think we are not, t...


(inspired by Living Compass Living Well through Advent) For those of you familiar with the 5 Love Languages mine is QUALITY TIME.  In spiritual language I identify it as PRESENCE: the ability to listen fully, actively, and without distraction; the act of holding space for someone and allowing for something sacred to emerge; and finally, the willingness to be vulnerable and speak from one's heart.  I am actively engaged in making PEACE with indirect or incomplete communication. I am a snob who carries borderline high judgement when talking fills the silence but doesn't accomplish connection. I prefer the intimacy of face-to-face conversation. I'm less interested in what you do versus who you are and what makes you come alive... or perhaps, what challenges your aliveness! I am not proud to admit this but the shadow side to all of this, when I find myself in a small place, is the anger/frustration/irritation that can arise when someone infers or assigns a feelin...


(inspired by Living Compass Living Well through Advent) How do you understand peace? Do you believe that peace may require you to grow and change? If you were to write a one- or two- sentence definition of peace,  what would you write? My understanding of PEACE has shifted from an external view to an internal one.  My first reaction to conflict or stress or chaos was to shut down and move away from it; often, to sleep.  Then I realized that MOVEMENT was a need that when fulfilled help to alleviate the turmoil I was experiencing outside myself and feeling within me.  Physical movement, such as walking or journaling, was the expenditure of energy that helped bring me to a more grounded place.  It revealed my inner thoughts.  It cleared my thinking and allowed the "inner knot" to surface... and then, I would wrestle with what's next... how does this inform me and what decision do I need ...