Lent: Spring RENEWAL

LENT has always been a "thorny" season for me. Even though I grew up Catholic with both parents actively involved in our church; LENT has always felt like nails-on-a-chalkboard!
"The Season of Guilt" is how I affectionately refer to this hard-sought season that lingers [and prolongs] the very end of winter into the resurrection we so deeply desire. The Spring of NEW LIFE bursting in the image of the risen Christ.
I do better with nature... I can understand that we lay bare our selves and our souls in winter; to be molded, to sit quietly, to be restored for new life. We have figuratively dropped anything no longer needed to seed the life waiting for us. We have let go of that which no longer serves us; perhaps a Lenten sacrifice of sorts to meet our new selves in spring.
There are lots of "things" we can consciously "give up" - Gossip. Multi-tasking. Our devices. Pace. Social media. Others...??? We strip naked to be restored by the Holy Spirit, the God that gives us Life and connects us to ALL things. In our minimally effaced self, we are vulnerable to God; to restore us to New Life.
Thus, Spring marks the resurrection of a self ready to serve others. Remember the lepers, the prostitutes, the tax collectors that Jesus befriended. Be THAT person. Be like that Jesus that welcomes, accepts, and loves ALL.
Your resurrected self is calling you! Restore your soul! New life awaits to serve!


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