the Wilderness WITHIN!
"Who looks inside, awakes." ~ Carl Jung In this human experience we dance between "nowhere" and "now here". The unique expression of who we are includes both our vulnerabilities and our (w)holiness. The awareness is that we participate in it ALL. That in its simplest form when we're not reaching for tomorrow or reliving the past; we. are. present to what IS showing up in our lives. When we are not judging between one extreme or the other we can allow radical acceptance versus expectation and simply embody what shows up moment to moment. I am certain that we can all find examples where we have embraced our (w)holiness and pushed away our vulnerability. What makes one different than the other? It could be circumstance. It could be our current emotional state. It could be our own opinion & judgement around the situation. We think one is a weakness and the other a show of our strength; when with awareness we realize we ebb and flow betwee...
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