Journal 03.21.2020

"Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things." ~LaoTzu

BREATHE. faith not fear. 

find PEACE
BE Calm
know WE ARE ONE!

Yesterday I was surprisingly calm. I didn't need any diazepam.  I went to the grocery store for my mom and felt really good about that! The day continued quietly; laundry, a book, shared time with my mom on the porch...

OH! And the sky this morning was AMAZING! Sooo clear, the stars sooo bright. We're waning into a new MOON so no sign of that sliver until later this morning.

The Earth is healing! Nature herself is resilient! Sooo many stresses that we've placed on this planet due to population and growth and abuse of resources - HALTED - if only for a brief moment.

Mother Earth can BREATHE again.
Have you noticed the signs of Spring? The birds singing. The snow melting. The grass greening.
... and She continues
... and so will we, hopefully in a different way - 
slower, more purposeful with our resources, more mindful of the other.

We are all a part of It! Call "IT" whatever you want but we cannot control what's unfolding anymore than we can choose not to be a part of this evolution. Do not fear the Earth changes that are taking place for ALL is evolving and unfolding as it should.

Will it be a revolution of consciousness?

Will we learn and see with eyes-wide-open that we are all in this together - 
collectively, sharing this planet,
her resources for ALL!

The virus AND love knows no borders or race or political party.  
I invite you to see the same.


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