Journal 04.02.2020


"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing & rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there..." ~Rumi

HOPE is emerging, not just as an intellectual exercise but as a LIGHT within me.  

Uncertainty is an OPENING! Our rigid routines and strict schedules keep us unaware of the new possibilities that exist around us.   We sleep walk through our days and become numb to the boundless opportunities beyond our current knowing. 

This pandemic has caused a seismic shift. Daily we wrestle with our fear and our FAITH; the darkness and our LIGHT! However, when Life shifts this dramatically, everything we know goes out the window which can be disorientating... or reorienting.  Yes! It opens up a space for... 


I am finding more HOPE each day, little-by-little.  HOPE for a new world.  HOPE for more Unity.  HOPE for more Compassion.  HOPE for a shared sense of Humanity. HOPE for more LOVE!

HOPE IS a strategy and HOPE AS a strategy may look like this:
  • taking responsibility for my own destiny
  • embracing possibilities that arise each and every day
  • being open & alert to changing situations
  • having a confident, flexible response to change
  • finding solutions when problems & obstacles appear to block the way
  • seek out new experiences at the edge of your comfort zone
How am I to help create/birth this new world? A midwife to what's already in motion; a coach to a beautiful unfolding? I'll meet you in that field beyond this pandemic and together we'll create a new world. 


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