“No longer in a relational universe, can we study anything as separate from ourselves. Our acts of observation are part of the process that brings forth the manifestation of what we are observing." ~ Margaret J Wheatley
I've been reflecting on my experience of being "out in the world" as highly transactional! I go out, get what I need, do what must be done, and come home. All without a lot of fanfare. I notice I back away from people who want to get closer. I cut short my conversations so I can finish my errands quicker. I plan and consolidate my trips so I make less of them. I am efficient so that my exposure is limited.
Businesses are just as transactional. Starbucks is barren and empty so as not to encourage anyone to stay. Grocery stores are sectioned and separated by plexiglass and "stand here" dots on the floor. Car dealerships and service is sterile. And while I applaud the larger chain stores for mandating masks, it is just one more barrier between you and me.
I hold this microcosmic observation with the idea that this virus is highly transmittable. This pandemic has revealed what's been hidden but not very far away. Like the Great & Powerful OZ, it is merely a "man behind the curtain". So, too, have our illusions been shattered about our interconnectedness as humans within the environment. We are a part of a much greater whole, not the organism superior to any other sentient being. The veil has been lifted on a broken system that does not give fair and equal advantage to all. None of us, not to diminish but to lift up George Floyd, can breathe this way!
The power to change this is within our hands and the moment is now! This is our opportunity to come together as a human race; stop compartmentalizing and dividing. This year of 2020; the year of clear seeing has lifted the veil on so much pain and suffering. It is within our power to change this. We originate from the Source of ALL and are co-creators of this world. It's time to observe an interconnected world and face the reality that we can elevate others, elevate ourselves, and elevate our experience. We can heal. We must heal for the survival of ALL!
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