Reimagining ENGAGEment

Reimagining ENGAGEment⠀
⠀(in the world)

“In the rush to return to normal, 
use this time to consider 
which parts of normal are worth 
rushing back to.” ~Dave Hollis⠀

🌀 When we allow for a pause between our endings and our beginnings we invite the opportunity to reset. Whether it is a moment, a weekend, months, or years a pause provides a space in our life to breathe. It gives us the opportunity to reflect on what ended and reimagine how to engage our new beginning. ⠀

🌀 pick an ending you are currently experiencing. How do you feel about it? Where do you feel it in your body? ⠀

🌀 sit with the feelings. Is this an ending you chose? Are you mourning or celebrating? Take the time to BE WITH your emotions. ⠀

🌀 BREATHE. Meditate. Journal. Run. Practice YOGA. Hike - disengage before reengaging ⠀

🌀 now! Imagine a new beginning; a clean slate, a fresh palette, a white wall... What, if anything, provides a dark sense of doom or despair? What, if anything, inspired you?⠀

🌀 like cleaning a closet and reorganizing; What will you keep? What currently serves your higher purpose? What will you discard? What no longer honors the self you want to be in this world?⠀

🌀 How will you practice “the new”? And, how will you let go of “the old”? ⠀
🔹thank it for serving you & remind it it’s no longer needed⠀
🔹graciously release that pattern 🙏🏼


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