Julia's "isms"

(things revealed during the pandemic) It's been an interesting 6 months living pandemic life. The first thing that increased was my walking the dog. It's amazing how nature and movement and a little sweat open me to some Universal Insights. Re-discovering my own "backyard" has me moving deeper into what's right in front of me; watching a tree move through the seasons, meeting other dedicated walkers on the trail, on what days other dogs are out (which causes a problem for Bailey), and other such oddities I may not have noticed had I not been gifted with this time: Speaking in generalities is dismissive... I'm not sure if that's a period or a question mark because I'm still considering this. It does NOT honor an individual's own specific experience yet speaks to our connectedness as humans. Thoughts? Walking is where I do ALL my thinking and not thinking (inspiration). Insights bubble up and they become images and writings and associations that...