Julia's "isms"


(things revealed during the pandemic)

It's been an interesting 6 months living pandemic life. The first thing that increased was my walking the dog.  It's amazing how nature and movement and a little sweat open me to some Universal Insights. Re-discovering my own "backyard" has me moving deeper into what's right in front of me; watching a tree move through the seasons, meeting other dedicated walkers on the trail, on what days other dogs are out (which causes a problem for Bailey), and other such oddities I may not have noticed had I not been gifted with this time:

  1. Speaking in generalities is dismissive...  I'm not sure if that's a period or a question mark because I'm still considering this. It does NOT honor an individual's own specific experience yet speaks to our connectedness as humans.  Thoughts?
  2. Walking is where I do ALL my thinking and not thinking (inspiration). Insights bubble up and they become images and writings and associations that I play with and then decide what to share with others.  I write first to process then I am able to put spoken words if it doesn't carry too much energy for me.  I spend more time with a simple concept and develop it more fully.  
  3. I am a thinker first! I process through information usually in bullet point form. (see above)  However in this day and age of FAKE NEWS I am learning to bow down to my heart and allow my head to support that direction. 
  4. I definitely enjoy people's interior life WAAYYY more than the external details.  I view external story lines as drama. Judgemental, yes! Dismissive, yes! But what does it do to your insides? How does it live within your margins? Don't have any margins? Then PAUSE and BREATHE and develop some white space in your life. 
  5. I compartmentalize almost everything! It's just easier if it fits into a specific "bucket" or has a dedicated "bucket" to be placed in which doesn't necessarily mean I'm organized only that I like to be present to one thing at a time.  Too much all at once, overwhelms me. 
  6. I use dualistic thinking rather than a more integral approach.  While my thinking has progressed beyond either/or, I still compartmentalize my life by a both/and even though I'd love to move more into holistic thinking; the Radical Acceptance of ALL; where Life just IS!
  7. I've recently examined emotions and laid them out along the chakras: 
    1. anger and acceptance (earth/root/red)
    2. jealously and creativity (water/fluidity/orange)
    3. fear and courage (fire/sun/yellow)
    4. hate and love (air/heart/green)
    5. frustration and connection/communication (ether/purify/blue)
    6. judgement and allowing (light/wisdom/purple)
    7. separate and unified (space/infinity/pure white light)
  8. That damn pooping reindeer! After a number of years of not feeling physically or emotionally well, this is the image that comes to me... I've been shit out of general society. I don't fit. And there's no way in hell one can go back in from where they came. So I sit here in a pile of poop awaiting what I will fertilize next :-) 
Until then... Love, Light, & Healing to ALL!


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