BE a Channel
In ALL that I do, may I be a channel for Your Light to shine through
In the past few years I have been gifted with a slow and steady removal from the traditional workforce. The days of punching a clock, scurrying from one meeting to the next, and being on constant call are behind me. It was exhausting! Running at someone else's pace and responsible for someone else's agenda pulled me far away from my center. I was too tired to even look inside to know who I wanted to be and how I wanted my Light to shine in this world.
It takes courage and discipline to silence the noise of the world so that we can really listen to what matters. Courage means cutting through the chatter; even after you've found some time or space for yourself - are your thoughts/feelings your own? Or those of an ingrained pattern from reacting to the world around you? Unprecedented worry, unprecedented depression, unprecedented emptiness are there because we try to fill up on the "empty carbs" of the world thinking we have do a certain thing a certain way on a certain timeline.
Silence is a gift we give ourselves so that we can listen to what truly matters in our own hearts. It's scary. It's difficult. The reward is to allow "the unscripted moments where the glow and pulse of life can show itself"(Nepo, p.12). Silence is not always equated with peace yet PEACE can be found in silence; an assurance that there is quiet and rest for you.
Space in your life provides the necessary PAUSE from the daily grind so we can collect ourselves and reboot. Margins are created in our day by us. The current mainstream may be to tell you to say "no" but I offer another option; say "yes" to what you need! As your life fills you with what feeds you, what is no longer necessary will drop away.
What does PRESENCE mean to you? For me, it is not multitasking. It is doing one thing at a time, mindfully - my FULL attention with spirit, mind, & body (thank you YMCA). So many of us run trying to optimize our time and maximize our efficiency; if I make this call while driving, if I can answer emails during dinner, if I can cruise social media while watching TV... some of it can't be avoided but some of it can be chosen. What are you choosing?
I love the word restoration because silence, space, and presence all work together to create a VOID that we inhabit where you can listen and your own self can show up. They restore US to OURSELVES.
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