Yellow Blazes

Yellow Blazes mark the direction on the National Ice Age Trail here in Wisconsin. I've walked many segments of the trail, volunteer to field edit the trail, and have a "home" trail segment near Holy Hill that I walk frequently with my dog. 

When I took the picture the word MANTEL kept coming to me.  Since movement opens me to inspiration, I allowed the word to enter though it didn't really make sense or seem to fit. 

 A mantel is where we place our most loved pictures of family & friends and seasonal decorations that make us feel at home. The hearth warms the house and makes it a home. It is the center; the heart of our gatherings.

Consider the direction we each take in our lives. What informs that direction? How is our life impacted by that direction? And truly, there is no wrong direction because the markers, the Yellow Blazes, lead in all directions.

During this season of fall, it's not about LETTING GO of what no longer serves us but rather LEANING INTO what matters. If the direction of your life reflects your dreams, your passions, your priorities - you would place this on the mantel. 

Are you making decisions about what matters most in your heart and centering your life around that? LEAN INTO prioritizing your heart-centered choices and the rest will fall away.

What we pay attention to grows. ~Deepak Chopra


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