"Existence will rush to fill us and overwhelm us if we don't meet the outer world with an inner life." ~MarkNepo It is the proverbial making lemonade from lemons. We all experience difficult times personally and collectively but how we prevail... how we write the story into the fabric of our own life is where transformation occurs. This reflection is more of a challenge for me to write. Am I able to write about isolation and fragmentation and loneliness? Am I ready to write about the darkness that fills me before the light reaches through? Is it the 'right' voice? It is a voice that I've often avoided to remain positive and hopeful, yet this deeper darker voice exists within all of us... especially now. For me, this is the voice I start with and move through to get to a more palatable "other side". Can I do it justice? Most often when I write I focus on where I end up, not where I start! Once I've traveled my own road of transformation, I e...