Stay Possible


"...the chance to enliven ourselves to the fullest 

and thereby spark an exchange of aliveness 

that illuminates the gifts of humanity." ~Mark Nepo

How long does one wait within the discomfort of life? Some feel they have no choice, while others are quick to move on. Staying in a place of discomfort stretches us beyond our own limits if we allow ourselves to be there longer than we want. There is a creative wisdom contained within this unknown void; something that speaks to us when we hold a safe space for insecurity and uncertainty to meet.  Sometimes we can do this alone. And other times, we need someone to travel with us. 

SAFE SPACE: this is where you rest; a physical or emotional space where you feel nurtured and comforted.  a place where there are no pretenses or boundaries needed.  this is a place I describe as "home". where your Soul feels at rest, where your Heart is held unconditionally, and your Spirit is free to live within its passion.

  • describe your ideal safe space. what are the physical characteristics? what are the emotional traits? close your eyes and imagine yourself there. are you alone or with someone? if it exists in your reality - go there. BE there. BREATHE and find Peace there. 

ATTENTION: what gets our attention, grows. in our day-to-day lives, what gets our attention isn't always what we need to nourish our Soul. most people are distracted from their hearts true desire by tiny, daily details that distance us from our heart. 

  • what do you need to BREATHE life into? what do you daydream about? where do your thoughts wander when can't sleep at night? what in your life do you think you can't have? perhaps even distract yourself from because it's too painful to imagine not living it.

SILENCE: silence can be scary for many people because we are forced to sit with, confront, and hear our own thoughts. sometimes we notice they're violent, shaming, and filled with guilt. our internal critic can whip us. however, the silence is where we hear and listen and learn. after we've cleared out what clutters our mind - including active prayer or wishes - we are poised to hear the creative force that runs through us. the tiny whisper that beckons us to our fullest expression of our lived experience. 

  • chances are you know what you're hearing... what do you need to listen to? what's unattended to in your life? what needs YOU to give it voice! when do create time to sit in your safe space, give yourself some attention, and silence? how do you design your life to fulfill (and fill full) your Soul? 

#integratethelesson #activatetheknowing #wednesdaywisdom #wisdomfromwithin #thebookofsoul #marknepo #livingwhatmatters #spiritliveswithin #intotheGRAYzone #pause #breathe #engage #aPlaceCalledHOME #theRadicalAcceptanceofALL


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